Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Im Aliiiive

I’m back! I’ve been missing this little space of mine so badly.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about myself and who I am and how I have changed over the years and realized how much blogging has transformed me. Before I began displaying my thoughts publicly for anyone to read I was a lot more of an introvert. Finding my voice and sharing it with others who can and will judge me or criticize me for it has really brought me out of my shell. Aside from that, it is therapeutic, helps keep distant friends and relatives up-to-date and makes me feel like I am getting my word out there. As tiny of a person that I am (in the grand scheme of things), I hope that my ideas and/or experiences may help other people, whether it allows them to connect/relate to someone or learn or be inspired.

Enough of that.

Now, let’s do a little catch up.

The last time I blogged was a year and a half ago! Whoa! Joel was JUST born when I blogged and he is now 1 ½ (incase your as bad at math as I am, I did the math for you ;)).

I have a million things to say about Joel because he is literally an angel, like no joke. But we’ll save a post just for him!

The first year of Joel was both challenging but wonderful. I was feeling my very best, I was healthy, fit, feeling confident and at my happiest point. But It was a rough year of lots of little sickies and sleepless nights.

Ever since we hit that 1 year mark everything has seemed to have gone way crazy. I was still working at the museum and decided I wanted to work part time. Why? Still don’t really know, but I’m always antsy to try different things so it happened.

Right after I started working my new full time job Owyn got really sick. He had a ruptured appendicitis that wasn’t caught for 3 (!!!) days! We took him to the doctor twice being sent home which nausea meds and the generic “virus” diagnosis. By the time we rushed him to ER he was lifeless. I really don’t think he would’ve lived much longer if we didn’t take him in, it was that bad. By the time they figured out what was going on the infection was so bad and had spread throughout his abdomen so we spent 7 days in the hospital. It was a nightmare. He was in pain, bored, angry, sad, starving, and thirsty. The infection stopped his intestines from functioning so he wasn’t able to eat or drink for days. I wish no one ever had to see their kids go through that.

After Owyn got better things began crashing down. For starters Owyn wasn’t on insurance during the hospital stay because I had just started my new job and cancelled his insurance thru Dave and was in the waiting period for mine to kick in. Bad timing. Our bills are outrageous. So, I quit my job. Doesn’t seem to make sense, right? Well it did for me and I wanted to be with my boys.

After that we’ve dealt with major things that have happened to the house, a giant bombshell that was dropped on my head (which I hope to talk about one day) , continuing house issues, and to top off the year, I got diagnosed with a serious health condition. So that’s where I’ve been.  I look at all the things going on and think, “that’s not my life”. When we’re in the midst of the chaos it doesn’t seem bad, but when I’m updating friends or family on what’s going on, I’m like, “geez, is this for real?” and then I just laugh. 

Aside from everything, I am pretty happy. There’s a lot of things I wish were a bit different but these boys of mine make every day the best day. 


Now, look at these cute kids of mine! Gaahhh! 

(Photos by the Lang Photographers)